It could also refer to Lightning McQueen's number. The train's number, 95 could be a reference to the year 1995, when Toy Story was first released.

Porkchop ( Hamm) uses his spaceship's laser to destroy the bridge the train was on, only for it to be saved by Buzz Lightyear when Bart hijacks the ship and drops a " Death by Monkeys" on the heroes. Latest Version Version 1.0.2 (2) Update Developer enermax energy tech Category Adventure Google Play ID Installs 100,000+ App APKs Toy Box APK Toy Story 3 Rescue Mission GAME Level - Toy Story 3 - LEVEL 1: Train Rescue ( Loco Motives ) Summary: You play as Woody. While the heroes and villains fight each other with the former using their dinosaur ( Rex) against the latter's force-field attack dog ( Slinky Dog), The Evil Dr. Potato Head), and their kids (the Aliens) raid the train while driving Barbie's pink convertible, only to be confronted by Woody and Jessie on Bullseye. Potato Head), his wife One-Eyed Betty ( Mrs.

After youve completed that, you can do the mission in Andys House (which is on the game board) and newer missions will appear on the Game Board. When you start the game, you are doing the train mission. The train was seen traveling through a canyon in a desert carrying some money and "orphans" ( trolls) when all of a sudden One-Eyed Bart ( Mr. I just purchased the Toy Story 3 video game for the wii console. This model train set, composed of a red #95 4-4-0 Civil War-era steam tender locomotive, several passenger cars and boxcars, and a caboose, makes an appearance during one of Andy's playtime fantasies at the very beginning of Toy Story 3.